An event under Hub-Spain of Network 4 ‘Optimal soil quality in arable crops’ was organized on 21st of September in Zaragoza (Spain) with the support of The Aragonese Association of Conservation Agriculture (AGRACON). Participants were more 55, most of them were farmers. The following topics were covered:
- Soil pit explanation;
- Management of summer weeds as a cover crop (Salsola kali);
- No tillage demonstrations;
- Presentation of the Roller Crimper tool for soil management.
In the morning there were two room-sessions and a field demonstration. In the field demonstration no-till machinery was shown and 3 farmers spoke of their experiences with no-tillage and weed control.
After lunch some videos were shown, and a short discussion was held. In the afternoon we visited a irrigated farm that was managed under no-tillage and the farmer exposed his experiences.
The detailed Agenda could be seen here.
If you need more details, feel free to contact: Luis ORCARAY –
The photos are from AFRACON twitter account – – AGRACON @AGRACONolaboreo
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