A unique Network (selected for 4 years under Horizon 2020, Societal Challenge 2, RUR 12-2017 call) comprising 32 partners from 17 countries and coordinated by ACTA, the head of Network of the French Agricultural Technical Institutes.
The overall objective of NEFERTITI is to establish an EU-wide highly connected network of demonstration and pilot farms designed to enhance knowledge exchanges, cross fertilization among actors and efficient innovation uptake in the farming sector through peer-to-peer demonstration of techniques on 10 major agricultural challenges in Europe.
An objective to support a wide range of demonstration events
Demonstration events focus on showing and understanding innovation within a working farm context or within a local setting. There are many different types of demo events, but they all have in common to base on a certain kind of knowledge exchanges: farmer to farmer and farmer to innovations actors. These exchanges can have multiple forms, e.g. dissemination of knowledge, provision of advice and solutions, co-design of tools and conduction of research. This shows that demo events can be composed of multiple activities depending on their objectives. They can be divided on two main characteristics scales:
- the number of participants: from less than 20 to more than 200 in relation with the global objectives, the location, the partnership and topic attractiveness.
- the degree of peer to peer learning: events could have the aim to maximise the exchanges between farmers with a high level of peer to peer learning or to maximise information and innovation uptake.

10 interactive thematic networks have been created, bringing together 45 regional clusters (hubs) of demo-farmers and innovations actors: advisors, education, NGOs, researchers, industry and policy makers. The themes have been selected based on the feasibility of the demonstration, the expected impact, the effectiveness of the demo-activities and the innovation potential. Together they cover a balanced range of topics in the three main agricultural sectors: animal production, arable farming and horticultural production. So far, over 450 demo-farmers and innovation actors have been involved in the regional and national hubs. In 2019, they have organized and/or connected to Nefertiti project, 267 demonstration events focused on the 10 thematic of the networks.
Number of demo events per network and per hub

Grassland & carbon sequestration

Advisory services
France - 5 Germany - 6 Ireland - 6 United Kingdom - 7

Data driven decisions for dairy farmers

Farmer organisation
Belgium - 12 France - 7 Germany - 6 UK - 6

Robust organic livestock systems

Applied research
France - 5
Germany - 7
Spain - 5
UK - 4
Croatia - 6

Optimal soil quality in arable crops

Applied research
Belgium - 12
Netherlands - 7
Poland - 8
Spain - 6

Arable crop sensing & variable rate applications

Applied research
Finland - 3
France - 3
Hungary - 8
Netherlands - 5
Poland - 6

Increasing productivity & quality in organic arable crops

Advisory services
Finland - 8
Germany - 4
Poland - 8
Spain - 5

Improved nutrient use efficiency in horticulture

Advisory services
Bulgaria - 7
Germany - 4
Netherlands - 5
Spain - 5

Water use efficiency in horticulture

Netherlands - 4
Poland - 5
Portugal - 6
Spain - 6

Reducing pesticides use in the production of grapes, fruits & vegetables

Applied research
Bulgaria - 6
France - 5
Germany - 4
Portugal - 5
Spain - 6

Farm attractiveness

Advisory services
France - 2
Germany - 8
Hungary - 7
Ireland - 5
UK - 7
Croatia - 5
45000 participants in Nefertiti Events
Farmers are our first target and have represented 50% of the total number of participants (6.000). With 3.400 participants, agricultural adviser and students represent 28% of the total number of participants.

45 % of the event take place on a commercial farm
The project supports different kind of events with a good balance between their size: from little groups of farmers with a high degree of peer to peer learning to bigger events with a lots of innovations presentation.

The innovations presented and demonstrated during demo events come from research (38%), farmers (36%) and supply chain company (26%)
Hub actors, farmers, event organisers have several goals and use different kind methodologies to promote their event and present the innovations.