Project Networking European Farms to Enhance Cross Fertilisation and Innovation Uptake Through demonstration (NEFERTITI) is a unique 7 M€ Network (selected under Horizon 2020, Societal Challenge 2, RUR 12-2017 call) comprising 32 partners and coordinated by ACTA, the head of Network of the French Agricultural Technical Institutes.
Under the project NEFERTITI 10 interactive thematic networks will be established bringing together 45 regional clusters (hubs) of demo-farmers and actors involved (advisors, NGOs, industry, education, researchers and policy makers) in 17 countries. The project NEFERTITI focuses on creating added value from the exchange of knowledge, actors, farmers and technical content between networks in order to boost innovation uptake and to improve peer to peer learning and network connectivity between farming actors across Europe. In the end, it all contributes to a more competitive, sustainable and climate-smart agriculture.
The project NEFERTITI addresses 10 themes that have been chosen based on key concerns of the farming communities. Together they cover a balanced range of topics in the three main agricultural sectors: animal production, arable farming and horticultural production.
A monitoring and learning program supports the systematic extraction of lessons learnt, lessons to be shared with wide audiences including AKIS (Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation Systems) actors and public authorities. A web based platform unlocks the experience, actors, demo details and the related content for widespread sharing, enhanced by the dedicated production of relevant material (including high-quality videos) in each partner’s language. NEFERTITI will engage a policy dialogue with EU Regions to meet farmers and policy makers’ interests in view of the networks’ sustainability.