To date, there is no agreed ‘best practice’ in facilitating the establishment of demo-farming networks. Therefore, we need to identify and characterise the needs of current and potential actors involved in demo-farming networks and to provide conceptual and empirical support to the proceeding WPs on developing effective networks for farm demo activities. This information will be used to engage Demo-farmers and to produce Dynamic Action Plans. This approach should result in creating ownership of the networks by farmers.
The specific WP 1 objectives are to:
- Assess what is already known about establishing effective knowledge networks between farmers in the and best practices of peer-to-peer learning, to inform development of the demo-farm network;
- Develop a conceptual approach describing the attributes and supports necessary for demo-farm network;
- Engage potential network participants in needs identification and network construction;
- Produce recommendations for subsequent WPs about network development;
- Develop and monitor dynamic action plans for network development on the 10 NEFERTITI themes.